Van Zelderen Excellence Award, formerly Employee Exemplifying Excellence award, to be awarded March 23

Greene County Medical Center will celebrate their healthcare workers beginning March 30 with Doctors Day, and continuing through May with Nurses Week and Hospital Week. These events are celebrated nationally each year to highlight hospitals, health systems, providers and healthcare workers and the innovative ways they are supporting the needs of their communities. Greene County Medical Center honors healthcare workers and all team members annually during these celebration weeks.

During these celebration weeks the medical center will recognizing team members for their years of service, along with several awards such as the Daisy Award for a deserving nurse; Partner of Nursing Award for a clinical support team member; and the Van Zelderen Excellence Award – employee of the year. Each of these awards honors a team member who has made significant contributions to medical center patients.

These awards recognize team members who exemplify the medical center’s patient-centered values, along with their mission of being Always Here, Always Caring. Each of these events can be viewed live on the Medical Center Facebook page with the Van Zelderen Excellence Award Wednesday, March 23, at 2 pm, followed by the other awards in May. Watch the Medical Center Facebook page for live streaming events.

This year the medical center’s celebration theme is  Our Best Investments. “Along with celebrating our team members and the excellent care they provide every day, we also want to take the opportunity to thank our patients, families, donors, volunteers and the communities we serve,” said Nancy Houska, community relations and Greene County Medical Center Foundation director. “We are humbled to provide such an important role in our communities. With the tremendous support from our patients and communities we continue to be a viable medical center providing excellent care to our patients. Together everyone is Our Best Investment in healthcare in Greene County.”

As part of the continued commitment to their patients, the medical center now has six providers in the Family Medicine Clinic, three behavioral health providers and numerous specialty providers. Family Medicine Clinic offers same day appointments for acute illnesses or injuries that can’t wait by calling 515-386-0500. New local services have been added recently including a new pain clinic and urology clinic. The medical center will soon announce a new non-surgical cosmetic clinic beginning in May. The medical center also continues to offer surgeries two days a week, and podiatry and orthopedics services.

“We continue to look at ways to bring health care services locally to Greene County Medical Center,” according to Dr Laurie Connolly, chief medical officer. “We can’t be everything to everyone, bringing every health care specialty to Greene County. We recognize that,” she said, “but, we can be really good at what we do offer.”

Patients and community members can also say thank you to a provider, nurse or other healthcare worker in Greene County.There are many ways to say thank you.

  • Donate blood at your local blood bank or blood drive. The Greene County Medical Center Auxiliary hosts a blood drive on the second Tuesday of each month at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Jefferson. The next blood drive is April 12. Register or get more information by texting LIFESERVE to 999-777 or by visiting
  • Choose Greene County Medical Center and schedule an appointment today!
  • Get your Covid-19 vaccination or booster if you have not already. Greene County Public Health has their Covid-19 Vaccine Clinics every Tuesday and Thursday, and you can visit to make an appointment.
  • Donate to the Greene County Medical Center Foundation in honor of your provider, nurse or healthcare worker either by mailing in a donation to The Foundation 1000 West Lincoln Way, Jefferson, IA 50129, by going to and clicking on the Donate link or texting “HONORGCMC” to 41444.
  • Send a thank you note to your provider, nurse or team member to
  • Just say thank you, when you are at an appointment, or when you see them in the medical center or in the community.

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